SRI Registrants
If your customers request compliance with the EU PED, your certification with SRI meets all the requirements under EU PED 2014/68/EU (Annex 1, Paragraph 4.3). However, SRI is required to issue a specific ISO 9001:2008 certificate that meets current, PED-specific requirements. To request a PED-compliant ISO 9001 certificate, please go to “Get a Quote” above to “Request a Proposal”, or call SRI or your Customer Care Coordinator at 724-934-9000 and ask for help with PED compliance. Thank you.
Customers of SRI Registrants
If you need confirmation that your supplier (an SRI Registrant) is compliant with the EU PED, please contact your supplier (our Registrant) directly and request their PED-compliant ISO 9001 certificate. If they have not requested one previously, SRI can deliver one to them within 24 hours, if needed. These requests must be directed to your supplier: SRI cannot create a PED-compliant certificate without our client’s authorization. Thank you.